Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Accounts Payable Outsourcing Services

Account payable is basically the money that a business or a company owes to its suppliers that features as a liability in the balance sheet of the company. It is a type of credit that the supplier offers the company against goods or services that have already been sent to the company and received by it.
There are two types of payables – one is the Trade Payable which is payable against purchase of physical goods that enter the inventory and the other is the Expense payable which is payable for purchase of goods and services that are expensed like advertising, travel, office supplies, utility bills etc. Businesses need to maintain a log of this liability account and generally use accounting softwareto keep a track of invoices that are pending payments and invoices that are paid. 

Why is it important to manage Accounts Payable optimally?
·         The first reason is that it helps set a strong long-term relationship with suppliers.
·         Optimizes working capital
·         Enables an organisation to develop cash saving initiatives and sustain it.
·         Helps the organisation comply with regulatory policies
·         Overall, helps the organisation maximize profits and work in a congenial atmosphere
In view of the above benefits, there is trend with more and more organizations going in for outsourcing their Accounts Payable system where the outside agency helps the organisation streamline their finances and accounting processes to achieve set business goals in the most efficient manner. 

Why outsource Accounts Payable?
All business entities that consider Account Payable Outsourcing to a third party vendor should first weigh the advantages and disadvantages of doing so.
Advantages of outsourcing Accounts Payable:
a.    The first and the most important reason to consider this option is the level of efficiency that comes with an experienced and well-trained outsourced agency. The agency has not only got the knowledge and required information of the industry; it will also have access to the latest technology and processes in the field. The work will not only get done accurately, it will also get done fast because that is the core service area of the agency.
b.    Evenwith off-site Accounts Payable system of the outsourced agency, the business will be able to track in real-time the accounts payable information. Hence even when no permanent employee of the business is involved in operating the system, the business owner is always informed of the current status of Accounts Payable of his business.
c.    Another important pro of hiring an outsourced agency or Accounts Payable expert is the reduced costs in doing so. While maintaining an in-house accounts payable system implies hiring an appropriately trained staff along with expenditure on the required software and hardware and training; outsourcing implies that all the above part is handled by the agency. Overall, the expenses incurred in going in for the first option is way high compared to the second option.
d.   The advantage of working with an experienced and professional outsourced firm means that the chances of error are minimal. The outsourced firm will also offer customizable services to its client so that the accounts payable system is aligned perfectly to the business goals and strategies.
e.    The business owner can concentrate and focus on the core competency of his business without having to bother about physical invoices, tracking pending payments and managing it all.
f.     Lastly one important derivative of outsourcing Accounts Payable is that the outsourced partner will work hand-in-hand with the business to make it stronger. Hence they would advise on ways and methods to improve, suggest areas of improvement and keep the owner updated on the latest technology available in the market, benefits of the same etc. A professional outsourced agency will ensure that it works with complete transparency and practices utmost flexibility when handling their business clients.
In the same breath, there are people who might argue about the cons of hiring an outsourced agency. One of the biggest arguments would be that there are chances of data mix-up between different clients. It is important to mention here that there are modern methods and technology to ensure complete data security and confidentiality so that there is zero risk of data of one company being shared with another.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Merger & Acquisition- The Indian Scenario

In the current corporate scenario, mergers and acquisitions have attained considerable significance.  Merger and Acquisition Strategies have been opted by the Indian firms as it is a very important option due to tough competition in international market. 

Now let’s discuss the factors responsible for favorable Mergers and Acquisitions deals in India. Dynamic government policies, corporate investments, economic stability, and experimental behavior of Indian industrialists are some of the main factors. However there are certain legal challenges are faced in case of M&A in India such as legislative requirements (relevant regulators approvals), and never-ending compliances. In case of any M&A transaction, due diligence is a key tool, still risk cannot be evaluated. For example there is no platform which can give the details of litigation proceedings – In the case of Ranbaxy, where Daiichi Sankyo were not aware about the US dispute and it came in to its knowledge after acquisition took place. For merger & acquisition, due diligence is required by a proper team of experienced professionals.

Friday, August 10, 2018

All about the Due Diligence of a Company

Due Diligence is a tool to inspect into the insight of the company’s legal, financial, operational aspects. The literal meaning of Due diligence  shall mean “due care” or “reasonable care”. Due diligence is the process whereby the documents, history, financial data, operational data and legal compliance of applicable laws is checked and reported. It is the inspection of the facts and the documents of the company and background verification of it. It is done to check the authenticity of matter as well as the working of the organization’s transaction of the entity to be acquired or purchased or dealt for whatsoever purpose.

When is Due diligence performed?

The due diligence of a company can be performed in the following cases:-

1. Before the business sale,
2. Private equity investment,
3. Bank loan funding, etc.,
4. Prior to the purchase of a company or investment in a company by the acquirer or investor (“Buyer”)
5. In merger, amalgamation, acquisition or takeover cases.

What all things or documents are inspected in due diligence?

1.       The financial, legal and compliance aspects of the company,
2.       Operational data are usually reviewed and
3.       Such other documents of the company
4.       What is it buying? and
5.       What are the obligations possibly to be assumed?
6.       the nature and extent of the target company’s contingent liabilities,
7.       Problematic contracts,
8.       Litigation risks and intellectual property issues